Join us as we celebrate the amazing individuals and organizations behind the life-enhancing services of 211 contact centers nationwide!
211 is the most comprehensive and credible source of vetted information about local resources and services in the country. It's powered by people: thousands of caring, local experts who are available to help. Know someone who needs assistance? Have them call 211.
We are proud to announce that the number of call centers operating on the Visionlink platform is steadily increasing. Over the past year, we've more than doubled the number of 211 agencies using our tech, and that trend continues into 2025 as we onboard more statewide systems and collaborations.
We are proud to announce that the number of call centers operating on the Visionlink platform is steadily increasing. Over the past year, we've more than doubled the number of 211 agencies using our tech, and that trend continues into 2025 as we onboard more statewide systems and collaborations.
Our CommunityOS® platform runs quietly in the background, offering the most advanced solutions for coordinated assistance, exchanging data, managing, vetting, updating, and publishing community-facing services. On this National 211 day, we are especially proud of our customers building out community information exchanges and coordinated care networks, using our API tools to connect virtually any partner or stakeholder into a system of systems. We're moving thousands of fields of data between different systems every second of every day to better leverage the services of collaborative partners.
Driving those numbers are the professionals who keep their information about community services up to date, listen with a practiced ear, and respond with an effectiveness that should make everyone proud.