Help Now: Catastrophe in the Philippines

Five days in and the awful reality is setting in. 
Racing across the nation of some 2,000 inhabited islands, a super typhoon has left behind truly horrific conditions. Financial contributions are needed from each of us.

Our suggestion is to give to organizations with a great deal of experience as they will react quickly, but also manage resources for the very long road ahead. In many communities, the entire infrastructure used to provide food, water, and basic services has been eliminated.

Your contributions will be used most effectively if given to these or similar organizations:
American Red Cross
Philippine Red Cross
World Vision
Catholic Relief Services

This was one of the largest storms to ever form on the planet. The devastation assessments are only beginning to come in. Your donation will be important financially, but it will also signal to world leaders that we care, and that large scale resources should be deployed.

Washington Post

We know from the Boulder Floods in our own home town earlier this year that reaching out to help truly matters to those in need and we encourage you to give as you are able.