When disaster strikes, trying to find out how your friends and family are doing can be agonizing. Not knowing is an awful feeling. To meet this need, the American Red Cross offers Safe & Well.
Those who are hit by a disaster large or small can register on the Safe & Well site, and then their friends and family can search the database and receive information about a loved one's most recent status.
VisionLink is proud to provide this solution across the United States for the Red Cross, and we remind our 2-1-1, elder care, homeless management, crisis call centers and other customers that they may want to embed a link to the Safe & Well site, as preparation for future disasters.
Dr. W. Douglas Zimmerman
President & CEO
VisionLink, Inc.
Those who are hit by a disaster large or small can register on the Safe & Well site, and then their friends and family can search the database and receive information about a loved one's most recent status.
VisionLink is proud to provide this solution across the United States for the Red Cross, and we remind our 2-1-1, elder care, homeless management, crisis call centers and other customers that they may want to embed a link to the Safe & Well site, as preparation for future disasters.
Dr. W. Douglas Zimmerman
President & CEO
VisionLink, Inc.